Voice Recording
Do you need to record calls for traceability, training, legal liability or audit reasons? If so, we have various voice recording solutions to suit your requirements and your budget.
Audiolink’s voice recording solutions allow your network administrators to record, log and play back thousands of hours of voice traffic made on your network, for both radio-to-radio and phone-to-radio conversations. The intelligent recording system provides an intuitive web-based graphical interface to record local or wide area voice traffic in either .mp3 or .wav formats. Moreover, via the administrator interface, all call recordings can be easily located and categorised by channel name and sorted by date; they can be played back, saved for future consultation or exported to external devices.
Benefits of deploying one of our voice recording solutions include:
- Customer service assurance by being able to review action taken and response to customer requests
- Improved training material with real-life situations
- Minimised legal liability with the ability to replay the recordings of situations of interest
- Increased staff accountability by reviewing the response of specific workers or talk groups
- Enhanced audit trails with audio data of radio-to-radio and phone-to-radio communications
Please visit our Case Studies page for examples of customers who have deployed our voice recording solutions.
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Expand the functionality of your radio network to improve safety of your workforce and increase productivity.